how it works
Inyoursoup is very easy to use, for both Customers and Innovators. This list explains our soup-related terms, and will help you to find your way around the platform.

You can view innovations by browsing through our extensive categories, or enter a keyword or Innovator’s name in the search bar. You can view all inyoursoup Innovators on the ‘Souper Stores’ page which is located on the main menu.

Click on the photograph to view the product details, or view all of the Innovator’s products in their Souper Store by clicking the Innovator’s name.

Contact the Innovator via the ‘Message Us’ button on their Souper Store. You will find a reply in the ‘Messages’ folder on your dashboard when you log in.

Too many favourites to remember? Add them to your bowl which can be accessed and edited from your dashboard once you have registered. You can even email your bowl to friends and family.

If you like a particular innovation, you can click "Slurp This" on the product page. You can also slurp an Innovator by clicking the "Slurp Us" button on their Souper Store. Happy slurping!

Each innovation listing has a share button (next to the slurp button), so if a particular product catches your attention, you can share it via your favourite social network.

Let the Innovator know what you think about their creation – if you like it, slurp it, and leave a comment! You can only review an innovation if you have purchased it.

If you would like more information about having your own Souper Store, click here .

Save time and upload your innovations easily.

Unleash your creative talents for all to see!

Purchase prime advertising space for your innovations throughout the inyoursoup platform.

Manage your inventory and orders easily with our cutting-edge CMS, which incorporates special tools to track your earnings, view useful analytics and customise your Souper Store.

Gain the coveted title of Souper Pro when your Souper Store reaches 1000 slurps!