about inyoursoup
Inyoursoup is an exciting new platform where you will find only the most unique and quality innovations. Apply for a Souper Store and you could soon be showcasing your talents and skills to people all over the world!
Inyoursoup was an idea that came from our passion for independent businesses. After visiting The World Tea Expo in Las Vegas in 2013, we saw so many fantastic small businesses. We ditched the tea company idea, and started working on building a place to bring these together. They are the engine of the world, creating new ideas and ventures, everyday. Small and independent businesses are true innovators, they are the bedrock of entrepreneurship. Inyoursoup Ltd is a family owned and managed independent business.
Take a look at the timeline below to see how we turned our idea into a reality.

The original plan was to start a tea company. However, another idea soon emerged during research into the tea industry.
Artists, designers and artisan food producers worldwide began to pop up. Was there a way to bring these talented creatives together, which would give them more publicity, whilst making it easy for people to discover quality and unique items?
The platform is called "inyoursoup" because it symbolises the different 'ingredients' that we aim to bring together. Soon after creating a logo with our graphic designer in LA, we began to work with a multi award winning digital agency.
We pitched our idea to hundreds of businesses at trade shows and fairs across the UK and in North America. We began to build a social media following and talked to anyone that would listen about inyoursoup!
Bringing inyoursoup to life was a massive team effort! We would like to send our sincere thanks and appreciation, to our exceptionally talented, and creative team of developers. And to our wonderful graphic designer, Wes McDowell at the Deep End Design in Los Angeles. The Inyoursoup platform is dedicated to some amazing people, without whom the platform would not have been possible. It is dedicated to Sophie and Adrian, and to the memory of Kenneth, a veteran and hero of World War ll.
our mission is...
To bring together creatively outstanding independent businesses from around the world, so you can easily find beautiful and exciting things for your home, your family, and your friends.